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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make EyeCare Associates of Yukon a proud provider of vision care products and services in Yukon.

Dr Myers and familyJason M. Myers, O.D.

Dr. Jason Myers was born and raised in Mustang, OK. After graduating from Mustang High school in 2004, he attended Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Dr.Myers received his bachelor’s degree in Allied Health in 2008.

Dr. Myers attended optometry school at Northeastern State University. While at NSUOCO, Dr. Myers was a part of Fellowship of Christian Optometrists, Practice Management Club, Beta Sigma Kappa honors society and Optometric Student Association. Dr. Myers graduated magna cum laude from NSUOCO in May 2012. Currently, Dr. Myers is a member of the American Optometric Association and the Oklahoma Association of Optometric Physicians.

Dr. Myers is excited to be with EyeCare Associates of Yukon where he will provide complete family eye care including routine eye exams, contact lenses, glaucoma, eye injuries, LASIK co-management, diabetic eye disease, and pediatrics.

Dr. Myers married his wife Allison on August 3rd 2007. They have three wonderful kids, Reese, Ford, and Sloan. They enjoy going to church, spending time with friends and family, and walking with their dogs.

Photo of Dr. Martin

Kayla B. Martin, O.D.

Dr. Kayla Martin is a residency-trained optometrist native to the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. She graduated from Mustang High School in 2014. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Northeastern State University in 2018.

Dr. Martin then attended optometry school at Indiana University, where she was involved in clubs such as Student Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (SVOSH), the Private Practice Club, and the Optometric Student Association. She also received a Student Fellowship from the American Academy of Optometry. She graduated in May 2022 and completed a residency in Primary Care with a focus on Cornea and Specialty Contact Lenses in June 2023. She is currently a member of the American Optometric Association and the Oklahoma Association of Optometric Physicians.

Dr. Martin and her husbandDr. Martin is thrilled to join EyeCare Associates of Yukon! She will offer comprehensive family eye care, including routine eye exams, specialty contact lens fittings, corneal disease management such as keratoconus, pediatric care, myopia management, treatment for acute red eyes and eye injuries, surgical co-management, diabetic eye disease care, and management of conditions like glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Married to her husband Lance since July 28, 2016, Dr. Martin enjoys spending time with her family and their two dogs, Winston and Oliver. Her interests include attending musicals and concerts, woodworking, traveling, and cheering for the Oklahoma City Thunder.